Part 19: Getter a Better Robo
Update 18 - Getter a Better Robo
Giant robot just crashed into the school grounds, nothing too unusual.

Sounds like a solid plan, but knowing Daichi...

Before the club members can finish their sentence, Daichi and the rest of Hospo hop into the plane and take off.


Alright, time to move to Plan B: just jump from the plane and hope you land safely inside the robot.

I don't know Haru, you can't join the Anime Club so I'm not sure if I should trust your opinion...But I guess it's the only thing we have to go on, so we'll head up for now.

So, this is the first game I've played where a dungeon is the actual inside of a giant robot, though I'm sure there are others out there.

Most of the enemies here are mechanical in nature. The PinchBot Mk.1 can cause some damage with its mighty pinches, while the ChopperBot 88 can call for back-up. The Android Bs are just recolored and powered-up from Android A back in the girls' dorm.

The Creepy Woman returns, while MiniBots are small but tough foes that can put us to sleep. It's pretty incriminating to have what are basically cult members walking around your robot, though.

Like the jungle ruins, there's a lot of button-pressing to be had in the Invincible 22.

Maybe Shin could have used all the money he apparently has to hire an interior decorator or something. Truly amazing giant robots should look good both in and out.

The Invicible 22 does, however, have toilets. That's just basic giant robot design.

And giant robot hotels are the way of the future. Shin could get so much more money doing this instead of whatever the heck he's doing now.

A password? But that's so low-tech.

And this is the password. Luckily Haru remembers it automatically.

Almost to the top.

But...didn't they just built the robot? How long have they been keeping you here?

Shin is all power and not much else. He's got two different supermoves that can cause some damage, but nothing that gives us any trouble. Simply pummel him into oblivion while watching your HP and the battle is yours.

Alright, school festival time!

Was I elected? I guess not, if I'm just hearing about it now.

Uh, what?

Kinda sudden, but sure.

Well, that was one of the easiest party members to get.

The only real point of interest at the festival are the food stalls, which all sell the same two healing items. As crazy as Hourai is, I would've expected a bit more.

And that's about all there is to the festival. However, the festival opened up a new area to explore, so let's check out Suzuna Forest.

Oh, that's what you think.

Just try and stop me from waltzing in here!

Oh, yeah. So dreamy.

The last thing to do is attend the Miss and Mister Hourai announcements at the Assembly Hall. I guess they got around to fixing the roof.

Seriously, I can't believe I wasn't invited to this thing. Ladies and guys love mysterious students who transfer schools!

Emcee: Thank you, ladies and gentlemen!

But the true goal of the shadowy organisation making the students suffer under strict rules still remains unknown...

Robot rampages are common enough incidents, but the twist in the tale is that this time, the 22 was in fact hijacked by Representative Shin. Shin's goal was to threaten the Council and students opposed to the Gender Segregation rule.
The Public Safety Committee is now investigating any connection to the group manipulating recent legislature behind the scenes. The Student Festival -- though thrown into disarray and greatly reduce in size -- proceeded as scheduled in Suzuna Forest.
In other news, after the school-wide vote, this year's Mister and Miss Hourai are in:
Akiko Shishidou (1st year)
Yashichi Kusanagi (3rd year)